Watching the Price-is-Right on television makes you start dreaming of your name being called to “come on down.” Hoping that you have enough insight and luck to outbid the other contestants.

Of all the consumer oriented prizes, the cars and vacations are what most hope to be hiding behind those colorful doors.

Sometimes in opening games but more likely in the Showcase Showdown, we see the cars.

A little like Top Gear’s ” reasonably priced car” we’ll see the average sedan, or maybe an entry level sports car. However, over the many years of the Price is Right, between Drew Carey and Bob Barker, there have been some gems. Here’s a video collection of our favorite car winners on the Price is Right.

The rallyhaus Top 10: Cars won on the Price is Right

1) 9 Cars in the Showcase Showdown (1999)

2) Most expensive car won: $87,000 Dodge Viper (2008)

We were hoping that we could have told you about the game played on Earth day, the Golden Road became the Green Road for a chance to win the Tesla Roadster. One hell of a car to win with a $112,000 price tag. It still stands as the most expensive car offered, but this $87,000 Viper was the highest priced car actually given away. From a can of black beans to a Viper!

3) Vintage 1964 Bentley S3 (2010)

Probably the best hyped prize of all time. Drew Carey talks about him, the crew, even people from other sets drooling over the Bentley. What’s better, Eric, a school principal wins the Bentley playing “hole in one or two!” (FYI, Sound quality on the video is quite low)

4) Golden Road Viper (2003)

A new chaise…down the golden road… a waverunner… down the golden road … A prize worth more than $74,000 a new DODGE VIPER!

5) Sheena’s Cadillac XLR (2005)

Bob Barker goes wild with this prize since its $70,000+ and they play Lucky $even. Sheena Lindholm became the show’s biggest winner ever, daytime or primetime, in the history of the show up to that point by winning a combined total of $183,688 in cash and prizes. Hey, she won a Motorhome too.

6) 1962 Lincoln Continental with Snoop Dogg (2011)

Although it was teal, not gangsta black, it was still Snoop Dogg in the driver seat and helping out Alexis win the Continental. But it wouldn’t be Snoop with out a instantly classic line: “Birds… who got birds?”

7) 3 Strikes for a Porsche (1989)

With such an outburst, Rod Roddy had to say it twice, “A Porsche 944″ I don’t regularly watch the Price is Right, but I don’t recall many Porsches… a special win for Jennifer, only used one strike!

8) Chevy Vega Coupe (1972)

It was the first car offered in 1972, seems like the only car offered in ’72 with a few winners… here’s our favorite (maybe because the winner’s son uploaded the video of Mom winning a car)

9) Humping a Mustang (2007)

Josh Silberman: picks the prizes in the right order, nails the putt, celebrates by humping the car, gets $1.00 on his first spin and the showcase showdown. Then, Josh becomes the Los Angeles Angels of Anahiem Rally Monkey.

10) 3 Strikes for a Corvette (1996)

Damn, it even has a Compact Disc player! Mark, representing the University of Washington Huskies wins the Corvette with 1 strike remaining.